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HEMLIBRA Distribution

Authorized Distributors

Genentech has contracted with a network of authorized specialty distributors to service customers. Customers can purchase HEMLIBRA through authorized specialty distributors that have made a commitment to product integrity. These partners have agreed to distribute only products purchased directly from Genentech and not to distribute HEMLIBRA through secondary channels.

Genentech does not influence or advocate the use of any one specialty distributor or specialty pharmacy. We make no representation or guarantee of service or coverage of any item.

All Treatment Center Pharmacies and Hospital Pharmacies Have Access to HEMLIBRA

HEMLIBRA Access Solutions works with specialty pharmacies (SPs), treatment center pharmacies and hospital pharmacies to help patients receive their medicines. 

These pharmacies may provide the following services:

  • Reimbursement resources
  • Clinical services to support patients throughout their treatment
  • The ability to manage the specialty handling and shipping needs linked with many specialty therapies

Authorized SPs

More than 100 specialty pharmacies are in-network with access to this product. If you are a pharmacy and would like to request product access, please visit our Indirect Access Program.

Genentech does not influence or advocate the use of any one specialty distributor or specialty pharmacy. We make no representation or guarantee of service or coverage of any item.

Spoilage Replacement Program

To learn more about the Genentech Spoilage Replacement Program click here.


For assistance, call (877) GENENTECH/(877) 436-3683
6 a.m.–5 p.m. PT, Monday through Friday